Thursday, May 05, 2005

Turnout - municipal election edition

Just to crunch some of the town election results (not Amity budget vote, mind you):

...................Registered...Voted on 5/2...% voted


Republicans..........1,452............937 ..........64%


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Budget Referendum Results

The Amity Budget Referendum FAILED by 29 votes
district wide tonight.

It passed in Woodbridge (254=yes to 210=no)

It failed in Orange (264=yes to 278=no)

It failed in Bethany (177=yes to 236=no)

Total in all three towns was 695=yes to 724=no

*Please note this is an unofficial tally*

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Election Night Celebration

The team and supporters gather back at Democratic Headquarters for some final thank yous and a last hurrah to end the 2005 campaign!

Monday, May 02, 2005

A day at the polls!

The Democratic ticket was out in full-force outside the Center Gym polling place on the day of the municipal election. We set up tent just before 6am and greeted a steady stream of voters all day.

In the early evening, we were joined by US Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro who braved the brief rain showers -- on crutches, even! -- to lend us her support.

By day's end, total turnout was 3,273 -- or 53% of voters! This was an increase over the 2003 municipal election, when 51% of voters took part in the vote. Democrats were encouraged at the showing and pleased to have so many supporters waving back.