It was a sunny, though crisp, autumn day in Woodbridge. The DTC set up our tent a scant 75 feet from the entrance to our town's polling place at The Center Building. We gave away bumper stickers, pins and campaign literature in support of the Kerry Edwards ticket, as well as US Senator Chris Dodd, US Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and our local state senator Joe Crisico. Our diligent Outreach Coordinator, Laurence Grotheer, stood just outside the polls virtually from dawn to dusk greeting townfolk as they exited. He handed out a card reminding everyone that our own municipal election was a mere six months away on May 2nd. This card also invited town residents to visit the Woodbridge Democrats online to share comments and provide feedback. Laurence reported that many voters were pleased to receive the reminder, promising to tack it on their fridge for future reference, while quite a few even seemed to be hearing about our town election for the first time. Voter turnout was very high for the national election, with many newly registered Democrats taking part in the action of democracy that day!