Saturday, March 05, 2005

Candidate for First Selectman, Laurence Grotheer, welcomes visitors to the WDTC campaign headquarters at 1299 Whalley Avenue. All those who are interested are urged to stop by to learn more about the Woodbridge Democratic Party. Please contact the campaign to find out what dates and times headquarters will be open or to volunteer.Posted by Hello

Candidates and supporters gather

Incumbent candidates for Board of Selectmen, Ed Sheehy and Jim Sabshin, gather with Rita Gedansky who seeks re-election to the Amity Board of Education. Pictured with the trio are New Haven Mayor John DeStefano and Woodbridge DTC Chairman Gerry Weiner as they discuss the campaign and voice their support. Posted by Hello

The future of the Democratic Party

Several students from Beecher Road School take part in our Headquarters opening by running the sign-in table and greeeting guests. Pictured from left to right are Bridget, Elliot, Adam and Michael during a brief lull in activity. Posted by Hello

Friends of the Woodbridge DTC

Dozens of Woodbridge residents and an array of local Democratic office holders and officials were on hand to celebrate the opening of the Woodbridge Democratic Party's campaign headquarters at 1299 Whalley Avenue on Saturday, March 5th. Laurence Grotheer, candidate for Woodbridge First Selectman, addressed the crowd to convey his appreciation for the involvement of so many community members. Pictured above as they lend their support to Mr. Grotheer are (from left); Ken Dagliere Director of Community Affairs for US Senator Joseph Lieberman; Martin Looney, state Senate Majority Leader from New Haven; candidate Laurence Grotheer; Woodbridge’s own state Senator Joe Crisco; and New Haven mayor John DeStefano.Posted by Hello