Well, I'm writing to remind you to forget all about that!
Announcing the arrival of the
Woodbridge Non-Special Election Day
No, that's not right. It's not a plain, old election day today either! Take two:Woodbridge Special Non-Election Day
Nope. That's not right either. After all, most days are non-election days, aren't they? What's so special about that? How about:Woodbridge Non-Special Non-Election Day
Well, maybe a simple explanation is in order instead...But then, when Chris Sorensen resigned his seat on the BOS in September, an appointment was offered to Laura and she accepted. When she became a BOS member last month and no one came forward to take her place on the ballot, there was officially no need for the petitioned election. So simple, eh?
Well, the upshot is that Ellen has been declared the winner of the non-special non-election and everyone is due to live happily ever after -- or at least until next May, when the entire Board of Selectman will have to run again, in a very regular election.
So Congratulations Ellen. You're a winner -- whatever day it is!