Thursday, August 28, 2008

Follow the convention commentary by Tweet

Just thought I would share with you what I think is really a neat way to watch the convention coverage -- and keep running tabs on what people are saying about it at the same time.

I sat at home last night with my iPhone in hand, open to the Twitteriffic App, and my TV set to C-Span (no commercials/no pundits) with picture-in-picture tuned to CNN (commercials and wall-to-wall punditry by people I'm getting just a tad sick of listening to/shouting back at). I can say that I only rarely switched to CNN to catch reaction from the usual suspects -- cause I sure do prefer the 2 cents of my peeps as they tweet in real time.

But I think I'll try this tonight...

My sense is, this TwitScoop concept would let me see a lot more people tweeting about the convention (you simply add the text "#dnc08" to the message you send to Twitter, and then this site will scoop it up with all the other messages tagged with this ad hoc code for Democratic National Convention 2008). Now of course, this may become annoying if trolls start to invade (like what happened with the #dontgo tag a while back -- poor GOP/Astroturfers!). But why not give it a try?

At a minimum, this will be a good way to find people I'd like to follow. I have a feeling a few people found me this way last night, as I received some new followers since those 2-3 hours I spent contributing my (IMHO) brilliant running commentary last night.

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